Thursday 21 April 2016

Informal Calls: Calling a Friend
Task 1:
Click here to listen to two friends talking on the phone. Write the phrases you hear:
1. A phrase the caller uses to identify herself: 
hi rita it's jain
2. A phrase the caller uses to find out if the recipient is free to chat: 
is this a good time
3. Phrases the two friends use to change the topic: 
so listen,by the way
4. A phrase the recipient of the call uses to signal that she wants to end the conversation:
5. A phrase the caller uses to cooperate in ending the conversation: 
I should let you go

Task 2:
Listen to the recording again. Listen for the phrases below and write their meanings.
1. In ages from long time
2. I’m off until January on vocation 
3. Time for yourself free time
4. Have someone over invite over
5. Seeing a man/woman dating somebody
6. Kind of faded away disappeared
7. He was in IT he worked in Information Technology 
8. I should let you go finished 
9. Take care bye bye

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Listen to the following telephone conversation in which a patient is apologizing for missing an appointment. As you listen, fill in the blanks.
Hospital: Good morning. Princess Margaret Lung Scan Study.
Patient: Oh, hello. I had an appointment for a lung scan on Monday and I’mterribly…………..sorry but I missed…………the appointment. I apologize. I just didn’t notice it on my calendar……
Hospital: Okay. may I have your name, please?
Patient: Yes, it’s Vivian Bryce – that’s B-R-Y-C-E. My appointment was for 9:45 a.m. on Monday the 12th. I was wondering if I could possibly residual…………….?
Hospital: Let’s see. how about Wednesday the 21st at 9.15am?
Patient: No, I’m not available on the 21st. Do you have anything………. on Friday the 23rd?
Hospital: Yes, How about 10:30 a.m.?
Patient: Perfect. so that Friday the 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Bye.
Hospital: Bye.
Task 2:
Complete the table below with the expressions used to apologize and the explanation used in the above telephone dialogue.
I am  sorry I missed the appointment
I apologize,I didn't notice it on my calender

Monday 18 April 2016

Monday's assignment

When we take notes on information we hear over the phone, we often need to write down the information quickly. The use of abbreviations is a helpful strategy while taking messages.

Task 1:
Write the full word or expression (or meaning) beside each abbreviation below. Add other abbreviations (and their meanings) you commonly use or would like to know the meaning of. Share them with the class.

1. AGM       Annual general meating                                                                       13. RSVP  reply soon via post
2. apt.    Apartement                                                                           14. ste.suit
3. asap   as soon as possible                                                                            15. urg.urgent
4. co.     company                                                                             16. w/   with
5. ext.     extention                                                                          17. w/o  with out
6. FYI   For your information                                                                              18. cc.carbon copy
7. inv.     Ivoice                                                                           19. e.g. foe Example
8. mo.     month                                                                          21. etc.  excetera
9. no. or # number                                                                           22. i.e.   That is 
10. mt.    meeting                                                                             23. vs.    versus
11. N/A      Not applicable                                                                         24. p.s.  Post script
12. impt.     important                                                                         25. n.b.  Note well

                                      Telephone Phrasal Verbs

Task 2:

The following are common phrasal verbs we often use while on the telephone. Match the correct meaning with each phrasal verb.

1. hold on   [m] or [g]
a. put the receiver down
2. put (a call) through   [e]
b. return someone’s call
3. get through  [j]
c. answer a call, lift the receiver to take a call
4. hang up [a]
d. stop talking on the phone
5. call up  [l]
e. connect one caller to another
6. hang on  [g]
f. deactivate (a cell phone)
7. call back [k] or [b]
g. wait
8. pick up  [c]
h. talk louder
9. get off (the phone) [d]
i. to be disconnected abruptly during a telephone conversation
10. get back to (someone)  [b] or [k]
j. to be connected to someone on the phone
11. cut off   [i]
k. return someone’s call
12. switch off/turn off  [f]
l. make a telephone call
13. speak up  [h]
m. Wait

 Task 3:

 Some phrasal verbs are separable (e.g., call someone back); others are not. Complete the chart below by putting the phrasal verbs above under the correct column.
Not separable
Put a call through
speak up
call back
hold on
pick up
hang on
switch off
get off

get back to
call up

cut off