Thursday 21 April 2016

Informal Calls: Calling a Friend
Task 1:
Click here to listen to two friends talking on the phone. Write the phrases you hear:
1. A phrase the caller uses to identify herself: 
hi rita it's jain
2. A phrase the caller uses to find out if the recipient is free to chat: 
is this a good time
3. Phrases the two friends use to change the topic: 
so listen,by the way
4. A phrase the recipient of the call uses to signal that she wants to end the conversation:
5. A phrase the caller uses to cooperate in ending the conversation: 
I should let you go

Task 2:
Listen to the recording again. Listen for the phrases below and write their meanings.
1. In ages from long time
2. I’m off until January on vocation 
3. Time for yourself free time
4. Have someone over invite over
5. Seeing a man/woman dating somebody
6. Kind of faded away disappeared
7. He was in IT he worked in Information Technology 
8. I should let you go finished 
9. Take care bye bye

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Listen to the following telephone conversation in which a patient is apologizing for missing an appointment. As you listen, fill in the blanks.
Hospital: Good morning. Princess Margaret Lung Scan Study.
Patient: Oh, hello. I had an appointment for a lung scan on Monday and I’mterribly…………..sorry but I missed…………the appointment. I apologize. I just didn’t notice it on my calendar……
Hospital: Okay. may I have your name, please?
Patient: Yes, it’s Vivian Bryce – that’s B-R-Y-C-E. My appointment was for 9:45 a.m. on Monday the 12th. I was wondering if I could possibly residual…………….?
Hospital: Let’s see. how about Wednesday the 21st at 9.15am?
Patient: No, I’m not available on the 21st. Do you have anything………. on Friday the 23rd?
Hospital: Yes, How about 10:30 a.m.?
Patient: Perfect. so that Friday the 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Bye.
Hospital: Bye.
Task 2:
Complete the table below with the expressions used to apologize and the explanation used in the above telephone dialogue.
I am  sorry I missed the appointment
I apologize,I didn't notice it on my calender

Monday 18 April 2016

Monday's assignment

When we take notes on information we hear over the phone, we often need to write down the information quickly. The use of abbreviations is a helpful strategy while taking messages.

Task 1:
Write the full word or expression (or meaning) beside each abbreviation below. Add other abbreviations (and their meanings) you commonly use or would like to know the meaning of. Share them with the class.

1. AGM       Annual general meating                                                                       13. RSVP  reply soon via post
2. apt.    Apartement                                                                           14. ste.suit
3. asap   as soon as possible                                                                            15. urg.urgent
4. co.     company                                                                             16. w/   with
5. ext.     extention                                                                          17. w/o  with out
6. FYI   For your information                                                                              18. cc.carbon copy
7. inv.     Ivoice                                                                           19. e.g. foe Example
8. mo.     month                                                                          21. etc.  excetera
9. no. or # number                                                                           22. i.e.   That is 
10. mt.    meeting                                                                             23. vs.    versus
11. N/A      Not applicable                                                                         24. p.s.  Post script
12. impt.     important                                                                         25. n.b.  Note well

                                      Telephone Phrasal Verbs

Task 2:

The following are common phrasal verbs we often use while on the telephone. Match the correct meaning with each phrasal verb.

1. hold on   [m] or [g]
a. put the receiver down
2. put (a call) through   [e]
b. return someone’s call
3. get through  [j]
c. answer a call, lift the receiver to take a call
4. hang up [a]
d. stop talking on the phone
5. call up  [l]
e. connect one caller to another
6. hang on  [g]
f. deactivate (a cell phone)
7. call back [k] or [b]
g. wait
8. pick up  [c]
h. talk louder
9. get off (the phone) [d]
i. to be disconnected abruptly during a telephone conversation
10. get back to (someone)  [b] or [k]
j. to be connected to someone on the phone
11. cut off   [i]
k. return someone’s call
12. switch off/turn off  [f]
l. make a telephone call
13. speak up  [h]
m. Wait

 Task 3:

 Some phrasal verbs are separable (e.g., call someone back); others are not. Complete the chart below by putting the phrasal verbs above under the correct column.
Not separable
Put a call through
speak up
call back
hold on
pick up
hang on
switch off
get off

get back to
call up

cut off

Tuesday 29 March 2016

First step, listen to this presentation and answer the following questions.
1. What are the names of the two presenters?
Mike and Jeff
2. How many things did they mention in the first tip? What are they?
They mentioned about three things. Search about the company, position and whom their competetors.
3. What does it mean “inside and out”? Use this same expression in a sentence of your own.
Inside and out means research about the company, knowing how they work and their back ground.
4. What is a success story from the presenter’s point of view? Plan one to share with your classmates.
Story from your past which reflects your strength and highlights your achievement.
5. Why do you need to plan some questions to ask the employer?
It is important to plan some questions because it shows that you are prepared, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the job.
6. Find a synonym for the word “tailor” in this presentation.
Preparing your self according to the job like what they need and what exactly they are looking for.
7. What did he mean by “what is the position calls for” and “position yourself”? Plan and give related examples.
 By giving tailored interview answers.
8. What was the presenter’s advice at he end of his clip?
 Tailor your entire interview according to the company, organized your self to interview with them.
9. Share any addition tip(s) that you have learnt from this presentation. 

  Tips that i learn from this presentation are like preparing success stories and research about the company
Second, listen to this presentation and answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of this presentation?
The purpose of this presentation is to provide a simple structure to give confidence
2. Why was the first answer he presented was bad? What does it mean by saying “generic”? Give different examples.
 The first answer he prepared was bad because he is telling about the common skills that anyone can do.Saying generic means not specific or common thing. For examples great at working in team, solving problems and brilliant working on your own.
3. List the tips this presenter has offered.
Always read the job description ,what skills are important, and use FAB to construct your answer.
4. Now, moving on to the practical part. Think of your best fixed qualities. What are the features, advantage(s), and benefits from them to any prospect employer? Follow the same pattern as in the presentation. Prepare and practice your answers to share with your peers.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


  March 8, 2016
 Administrative Officer

Dear Madam or Sir :

Please accept my application for the position of office administrator at your company.I have attached my resume for your review.

I believe I can handle all my responsibilities properly. I have excellent organization and time management
skill. In addition i have very good knowledge of  MS office, excel and power point. I am very good in
co-ordinate office administrative procedures and review, evaluate and implement new procedure.

I am confident that my skills will fulfill all the needs required for this job.Thank you so much for your patience. I  look forward to speaking with you.

Kavita rao Mamidi

Wednesday 2 March 2016


Seared Salmon With Lemon Butter Sauce 

take salmon fillet and season it with some salt and freshly ground peper
take some flour and coat the salmon with flour
take a pan put on the stove and put some vegetable oil when oil is heated put salmon and cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until it gets crespy .
flip the fish and cook again for 3 to 4 minutes or until golden brown
for the sous in the same pan wipe the exes oil and then add some white sous and lemon juice with some shalots and minced garlic and dry parsely until it get reduced. and then put some unsalted cold butter and make little sousy and than pour on the fish

Dear supervisor sir

I am writing this letter to request a leave as i am going to out of town for some important work.
work is related to my daughter as i have to submit some important document to the agency and
i have to go personally and handover the document to them.

I have been working in your company for so long without having any issue.I  always work in time
i am very dedicated to my work .
 sir i request you to grant me leave so that i can finish my work in time because if  i get late and will not
submit the document in time than they will not issue the valid papers.

I hope you understand my situation and accept my request for leave.


Kavitarao mamidi

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Hello everybody,

Task 1:

Pick one/two relevant jobs for yourself from each website.
Here are three good websites that you can scan: Job BankMonster.caand Charity Village

Task 2:

Summarize the three main job duties for each ad, and the main requirements as well.

  • Electrologists usually require certification from an electrologist's educational or training institution.
  • Membership in a provincial or national electrolysis association may be required.
  • Completion of a registered dermal therapy program may be required to provide electrology laser and vascular treatments.
  • Estheticians usually require certification from an esthetician's educational or training institution.
 Task 3:

Check this link, and write down at least five new ideas that you learned from it. 
Pick your peers' brains for their ideas, and add more to yours.
. Don’t stop applying for jobs 

 You don’t need to include all your experience on your resume.
  You can include more than full-time employment on your resume
. Be Yourself

Task 4

Another excellent career site is here. Click on it and plan your career accordingly.
Then, assess your abilities through this website. After you have done, please write down a short summary about your future plan based on the information and date you have learned today. 

I think i am more intrested in esthetician field . These website are very good. I learned my thing related to field , which i don't know before.


Task 1:
List the 10 sectors that the first digit of the NOC code refers to. In small groups, brainstorm three occupations for each sector.
0 Management occupations
5 Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
1 Business, finance and administration occupations
6 Sales and service occupations
2 Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
7 Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
3 Health occupations
8 Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
4 Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
9 Occupations in manufacturing and utilities

Task 2:
Think of an occupation you would like to enter in Canada (either as a survival job, or in the occupation you are trained for). Which of the above sectors is this occupation in?
             6 Sales and service occupations 

Task 3:
Find the NOC code for an occupation that interests you. Read the NOC description for this occupation.       
a) How many Major Groups are listed in this sector? What are they?

There are 6 Major Groups and below are the lists
 Major Group 62 - Retail sales supervisors and specialized sales occupations
 Major Group 63 -Service supervisors and specialized service occupations
 Major Group 64 -Sales representatives and salespersons - wholesale and retail trade
 Major Group 65 - Service representatives and other customer and personal services 
 Major Group 66 -Sales support occupations

 Major Group 67 -Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c.
b) What types of occupations are within this Major Group (represented by the three-digit code)? 
Major Group 62 
  • 621 Retail sales supervisors  
  • 622 Technical sales specialists in wholesale trade and retail and wholesale buyers
  • 623 Insurance, real estate and financial sales occupations
Major Group 63 
  • 631 Service supervisors
  • 632 Chefs and cooks
  • 633 Butchers and bakers
  • 634 Specialized occupations in personal and customer services

Major Group 64 
  • 641 Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical)
  • 642 Retail salespersons

Major Group 65 
  • 651 Occupations in food and beverage service
  • 652 Occupations in travel and accommodation
  • 653 Tourism and amusement services occupations
  • 654 Security guards and related security service occupations
  • 655 Customer and information services representatives
  • 656 Other occupations in personal service

Major Group 66 
  • 661 Cashiers
  • 662 Other sales support and related occupations

Major Group 67 
  • 671 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
  • 672 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and amusement services
  • 673 Cleaners 
  • 674 Other service support and related occupations, n.e.c.
1. Read the example titles in the NOC description. Do you think knowing these titles can be useful in your job search? How?
 Yes, it is useful for me because in esthetician their are lots of different tittles which i don't know.
2. Read the main duties in the NOC description. List the duties you think are most relevant to this position.

  • Estheticians give facial and other body treatments using specialized products and techniques.
  • Cosmeticians advise customers on the use of make-up and other beauty products and apply make-up to customers; may specialize in applying makeup to models or other individuals for special occasions.
  • Electrologists remove unwanted hair permanently from client's face or body using needle only specialized electrical hair removal equipment, laser and other equipment.
Task 4:
Prepare a short presentation for the class about this occupation. Include related job titles, main duties and employment requirements.
       My NOC is 6562 Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations.

       Workers in this unit group provide facial and body treatments designed to enhance an
       individual's  physical appearance.

       Employment requirements for this jobs are Electrologists usually require certification from
       an electrologist's educational or training institution.
       Membership in a provincial or national electrolysis association may be required.
       Completion of a registered dermal therapy program may be required to provide electrology
       laser and vascular treatments.
       Estheticians usually require certification from an esthetician's educational or training institution.

Friday 5 February 2016

Task 1:

Listen to two people talking about looking for work. Click on this link  and answer the questions below.

1. Place a check-mark beside the job search activities Rosa carried out:

   x       Visited an employment centre

           Spoke to a job counsellor

            Looked at job postings

          Analyzed her own skills

     Participated in mock interviews
     Attended job search workshops

     Read newspaper classified ads

2. What three things did Rosa learn at the workshops?
1 How to find job ,how to prepair resume , preparing for interview

3. Rosa mentions two ways to write résumés and cover letters that she learned. What are they? finding information from internet and employment counsalor
4. What advice does Rosa have for Gita about preparing for interviews?
be prepared for interview,improve your skills,and experiance
5. What advice would you give Gita about looking for work?
Task 2:

A-  Click on this link and listen to a job seeker describes his job search. Discuss the following.

1.     What problems did this job seeker face?
1. he never see job adds for bakers 2.workplace is not close to home jobs for masterbakers
2.     What information would have made his search more effective?
1. looking  work in related occupation   2.job avlability in related field

B-   Think about your job search. What information or services do you think would help you to find a job? With a partner, make a list. In small groups, compare your lists.1. a job counsalor 2.Good adviser 3. Information about job'sin internet